Tom Connally
January 23, 2025
As a senior at the Naval Academy training for the Collegiate Powerlifting Nationals, my coach taught me to visualize every lift the night before a competition. I won every meet except the Nationals. I started using visualization to rehearse or get extra reps in everything I did. Although I wrote intents and end-states for every operation and organization I led, I never wrote a vision statement for my life until 2018. Similarly, while I started writing unifying principles and goals in 1989, I didn't write a personal mission statement until 1999, when I failed promotion to lieutenant colonel.
In contemplating whether I should fight for my promotion or resign my active commission, I had to figure out my vision and mission. While I revised unifying principles and goals annually and wrote goals for every job, I didn't realize what I was missing. Writing long-range goals without a vision statement is ineffective because you have to visualize how you want to live as you consider what you want to achieve. The goals are the pathway. It should include who, what, when, where, and how to the degree you consider essential. I know a guy who wrote a three-page vision, but most are a paragraph or two. Write one for your life; if you want a subordinate vision for your job, that's fine. Remember, as you write, don't type; your brain begins the work subconsciously.
While I had written many mission statements for operations and organizations, I needed my mission and purpose. Why was I a Marine? Why did I want to be promoted? What did I expect to accomplish? Was I afraid of something? I contemplated these questions on many a long run. I investigated other occupations; I reviewed every goal and unifying principle I'd written. I prayed a lot. I found some answers, but you must find the mission and purpose that motivates you to get up every morning. It should include who, what, when, where, and why as precisely as possible. Here's a hint from Albert Einstein, "I don't know what your destiny will be, but one thing I do know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve." Now, write your vision, mission, and purpose. It will change your life!
If you're curious, I got promoted twice and fulfilled my vision as a Marine. I figured out my mission and continue to serve God's people and witness His life by helping leaders and organizations improve their performance and success professionally, personally, physically, and spiritually to build leaders of consequence to serve our Country's churches, businesses, communities, families, and military.
Remember, "all things are possible through prayer and heavy deadlifts."™
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